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save_forecaster(forecaster, file_name, verbose=True)

Save forecaster model using joblib.


Name Type Description Default
forecaster forecaster object from skforecast library.

Forecaster created with skforecast library.

file_name str

File name given to the object.

verbose bool

Print summary about the forecaster saved.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def save_forecaster(
    file_name: str, 
    verbose: bool=True
) -> None:
    Save forecaster model using joblib.

    forecaster: forecaster object from skforecast library.
        Forecaster created with skforecast library.

    file_name: str
        File name given to the object.

    verbose: bool, default `True`
        Print summary about the forecaster saved.



    joblib.dump(forecaster, filename=file_name)

    if verbose:

load_forecaster(file_name, verbose=True)

Load forecaster model using joblib.


Name Type Description Default
file_name str

Object file name.

verbose bool

Print summary about the forecaster loaded.



Type Description

Forecaster created with skforecast library.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def load_forecaster(
    file_name: str,
    verbose: bool=True
) -> object:
    Load forecaster model using joblib.

    file_name: str
        Object file name.

    verbose: bool, default `True`
        Print summary about the forecaster loaded.

        Forecaster created with skforecast library.


    forecaster = joblib.load(filename=file_name)

    if verbose:

    return forecaster

initialize_lags(forecaster_name, lags)

Check lags argument input and generate the corresponding numpy ndarray.


Name Type Description Default
forecaster_name str

Forecaster name. ForecasterAutoreg, ForecasterAutoregCustom, ForecasterAutoregDirect, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries, ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate.

lags Any

Lags used as predictors.

Returns None required
---------- None required
lags Any

Lags used as predictors.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def initialize_lags(
    forecaster_name: str,
    lags: Any
) -> np.ndarray:
    Check lags argument input and generate the corresponding numpy ndarray.

    forecaster_name : str
        Forecaster name. ForecasterAutoreg, ForecasterAutoregCustom, 
        ForecasterAutoregDirect, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries, 

    lags : Any
        Lags used as predictors.

    lags : numpy ndarray
        Lags used as predictors.


    if isinstance(lags, int) and lags < 1:
        raise ValueError("Minimum value of lags allowed is 1.")

    if isinstance(lags, (list, np.ndarray)):
        for lag in lags:
            if not isinstance(lag, (int, np.int64, np.int32)):
                raise TypeError("All values in `lags` must be int.")

    if isinstance(lags, (list, range, np.ndarray)) and min(lags) < 1:
        raise ValueError("Minimum value of lags allowed is 1.")

    if isinstance(lags, int):
        lags = np.arange(lags) + 1
    elif isinstance(lags, (list, range)):
        lags = np.array(lags)
    elif isinstance(lags, np.ndarray):
        lags = lags
        if not forecaster_name == 'ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate':
            raise TypeError(
                ("`lags` argument must be an int, 1d numpy ndarray, range or list. "
                 f"Got {type(lags)}.")
            raise TypeError(
                ("`lags` argument must be a dict, int, 1d numpy ndarray, range or list. "
                 f"Got {type(lags)}.")

    return lags

initialize_weights(forecaster_name, regressor, weight_func, series_weights)

Check weights arguments, weight_func and series_weights for the different

forecasters. Create source_code_weight_func, source code of the custom function(s) used to create weights.


Name Type Description Default
forecaster_name str

Forecaster name. ForecasterAutoreg, ForecasterAutoregCustom, ForecasterAutoregDirect, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries, ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom.

regressor object

Regressor of the forecaster.

weight_func Union[Callable, dict]

Argument weight_func of the forecaster.

series_weights dict

Argument series_weights of the forecaster.

Returns None required
---------- None required
weight_func Union[Callable, dict]

Argument weight_func of the forecaster.

source_code_weight_func str, dict

Argument source_code_weight_func of the forecaster.

series_weights dict

Argument series_weights of the forecaster.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def initialize_weights(
    forecaster_name: str,
    regressor: object,
    weight_func: Union[Callable, dict],
    series_weights: dict
) -> Tuple[Union[Callable, dict], Union[Callable, dict], dict]:
    Check weights arguments, `weight_func` and `series_weights` for the different 
    forecasters. Create `source_code_weight_func`, source code of the custom 
    function(s) used to create weights.

    forecaster_name : str
        Forecaster name. ForecasterAutoreg, ForecasterAutoregCustom, 
        ForecasterAutoregDirect, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries, 
        ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom.

    regressor : regressor or pipeline compatible with the scikit-learn API
        Regressor of the forecaster.

    weight_func : Callable, dict
        Argument `weight_func` of the forecaster.

    series_weights : dict
        Argument `series_weights` of the forecaster.

    weight_func : Callable, dict
        Argument `weight_func` of the forecaster.

    source_code_weight_func : str, dict
        Argument `source_code_weight_func` of the forecaster.

    series_weights : dict
        Argument `series_weights` of the forecaster.


    source_code_weight_func = None

    if weight_func is not None:

        if forecaster_name in ['ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries', 'ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom']:
            if not isinstance(weight_func, (Callable, dict)):
                raise TypeError(
                    (f"Argument `weight_func` must be a Callable or a dict of "
                     f"Callables. Got {type(weight_func)}.")
        elif not isinstance(weight_func, Callable):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Argument `weight_func` must be a Callable. Got {type(weight_func)}."

        if isinstance(weight_func, dict):
            source_code_weight_func = {}
            for key in weight_func:
                source_code_weight_func[key] = inspect.getsource(weight_func[key])
            source_code_weight_func = inspect.getsource(weight_func)

        if 'sample_weight' not in inspect.signature(
                (f"Argument `weight_func` is ignored since regressor {regressor} "
                 f"does not accept `sample_weight` in its `fit` method."),
            weight_func = None
            source_code_weight_func = None

    if series_weights is not None:
        if not isinstance(series_weights, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                (f"Argument `series_weights` must be a dict of floats or ints."
                 f"Got {type(series_weights)}.")
        if 'sample_weight' not in inspect.signature(
                (f"Argument `series_weights` is ignored since regressor {regressor} "
                 f"does not accept `sample_weight` in its `fit` method."),
            series_weights = None

    return weight_func, source_code_weight_func, series_weights

check_select_fit_kwargs(regressor, fit_kwargs=None)

Check if fit_kwargs is a dict and select only the keys that are used by

the fit method of the regressor.


Name Type Description Default
regressor object

Regressor object.

fit_kwargs Optional[dict]

Dictionary with the arguments to pass to the `fit' method of the forecaster.



Type Description

Dictionary with the arguments to be passed to the fit method of the regressor after removing the unused keys.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def check_select_fit_kwargs(
    regressor: object,
    fit_kwargs: Optional[dict]=None
) -> dict:
    Check if `fit_kwargs` is a dict and select only the keys that are used by
    the `fit` method of the regressor.

    regressor : object
        Regressor object.

    fit_kwargs : dict, default `None`
        Dictionary with the arguments to pass to the `fit' method of the 

    fit_kwargs : dict
        Dictionary with the arguments to be passed to the `fit` method of the 
        regressor after removing the unused keys.


    if fit_kwargs is None:
        fit_kwargs = {}
        if not isinstance(fit_kwargs, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Argument `fit_kwargs` must be a dict. Got {type(fit_kwargs)}."

        # Non used keys
        non_used_keys = [k for k in fit_kwargs.keys()
                         if k not in inspect.signature(]
        if non_used_keys:
                (f"Argument/s {non_used_keys} ignored since they are not used by the "
                 f"regressor's `fit` method."),

        if 'sample_weight' in fit_kwargs.keys():
                ("The `sample_weight` argument is ignored. Use `weight_func` to pass "
                 "a function that defines the individual weights for each sample "
                 "based on its index."),
            del fit_kwargs['sample_weight']

        # Select only the keyword arguments allowed by the regressor's `fit` method.
        fit_kwargs = {k:v for k, v in fit_kwargs.items()
                      if k in inspect.signature(}

    return fit_kwargs


Raise Exception if y is not pandas Series or if it has missing values.


Name Type Description Default
y Any

Time series values.

Returns None required
---------- None required
None None required
Source code in skforecast/utils/
def check_y(
    y: Any
) -> None:
    Raise Exception if `y` is not pandas Series or if it has missing values.

    y : Any
        Time series values.



    if not isinstance(y, pd.Series):
        raise TypeError("`y` must be a pandas Series.")

    if y.isnull().any():
        raise ValueError("`y` has missing values.")


check_exog(exog, allow_nan=True)

Raise Exception if exog is not pandas Series or pandas DataFrame.

If allow_nan = True, issue a warning if exog contains NaN values.


Name Type Description Default
exog Any

Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s.

allow_nan bool

If True, allows the presence of NaN values in exog. If False (default), issue a warning if exog contains NaN values.

Returns None required
---------- None required
None None required
Source code in skforecast/utils/
def check_exog(
    exog: Any,
    allow_nan: bool=True
) -> None:
    Raise Exception if `exog` is not pandas Series or pandas DataFrame.
    If `allow_nan = True`, issue a warning if `exog` contains NaN values.

    exog :  Any
        Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s.
    allow_nan: bool, default True
        If True, allows the presence of NaN values in `exog`. If False (default),
        issue a warning if `exog` contains NaN values.



    if not isinstance(exog, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
        raise TypeError("`exog` must be a pandas Series or DataFrame.")

    if not allow_nan:
        if exog.isnull().any().any():
                ("`exog` has missing values. Most machine learning models do not allow "
                 "missing values. Fitting the forecaster may fail."), 



Store dtypes of exog.


Name Type Description Default
exog Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pandas.core.series.Series]

Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s.



Type Description

Dictionary with the dtypes in exog.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def get_exog_dtypes(
    exog: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]
) -> dict:
    Store dtypes of `exog`.

    exog :  pandas DataFrame, pandas Series
        Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s.

    exog_dtypes : dict
        Dictionary with the dtypes in `exog`.


    if isinstance(exog, pd.Series):
        exog_dtypes = { exog.dtypes}
        exog_dtypes = exog.dtypes.to_dict()

    return exog_dtypes


Raise Exception if exog has categorical columns with non integer values.

This is needed when using machine learning regressors that allow categorical features. Rise a Warning if values are not init, float, or category.


Name Type Description Default
exog Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, pandas.core.series.Series]

Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s.

Returns None required
---------- None required
None None required
Source code in skforecast/utils/
def check_exog_dtypes(
    exog: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]
) -> None:
    Raise Exception if `exog` has categorical columns with non integer values.
    This is needed when using machine learning regressors that allow categorical
    Rise a Warning if values are not `init`, `float`, or `category`.

    exog :  pandas DataFrame, pandas Series
        Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s.


    check_exog(exog=exog, allow_nan=False)

    if isinstance(exog, pd.DataFrame):
        if not all([dtype in ['float', 'int', 'category'] for dtype in exog.dtypes]):
                ("`exog` may contain only `int`, `float` or `category` dtypes. Most "
                 "machine learning models do not allow other types of values. "
                 "Fitting the forecaster may fail."), DataTypeWarning
        for col in exog.select_dtypes(include='category'):
            if exog[col].cat.categories.dtype not in [int, np.int32, np.int64]:
                raise TypeError(
                    ("Categorical columns in exog must contain only integer values. "
                     "See skforecast docs for more info about how to include "
                     "categorical features"
        if exog.dtypes not in ['float', 'int', 'category']:
                ("`exog` may contain only `int`, `float` or `category` dtypes. Most "
                 "machine learning models do not allow other types of values. "
                 "Fitting the forecaster may fail."), DataTypeWarning
        if exog.dtypes == 'category' and not in [int, np.int32, np.int64]:
            raise TypeError(
                ("If exog is of type category, it must contain only integer values. "
                 "See skforecast docs for more info about how to include "
                 "categorical features"


check_interval(interval=None, alpha=None)

Check provided confidence interval sequence is valid.


Name Type Description Default
interval list

Confidence of the prediction interval estimated. Sequence of percentiles to compute, which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. For example, interval of 95% should be as interval = [2.5, 97.5].

alpha float

The confidence intervals used in ForecasterSarimax are (1 - alpha) %.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def check_interval(
    interval: list=None,
    alpha: float=None
) -> None:
    Check provided confidence interval sequence is valid.

    interval : list, default `None`
        Confidence of the prediction interval estimated. Sequence of percentiles
        to compute, which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. For example, 
        interval of 95% should be as `interval = [2.5, 97.5]`.

    alpha : float, default `None`
        The confidence intervals used in ForecasterSarimax are (1 - alpha) %.


    if interval is not None:
        if not isinstance(interval, list):
            raise TypeError(
                ("`interval` must be a `list`. For example, interval of 95% "
                 "should be as `interval = [2.5, 97.5]`.")

        if len(interval) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                ("`interval` must contain exactly 2 values, respectively the "
                 "lower and upper interval bounds. For example, interval of 95% "
                 "should be as `interval = [2.5, 97.5]`.")

        if (interval[0] < 0.) or (interval[0] >= 100.):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Lower interval bound ({interval[0]}) must be >= 0 and < 100."

        if (interval[1] <= 0.) or (interval[1] > 100.):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Upper interval bound ({interval[1]}) must be > 0 and <= 100."

        if interval[0] >= interval[1]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Lower interval bound ({interval[0]}) must be less than the "
                f"upper interval bound ({interval[1]})."

    if alpha is not None:
        if not isinstance(alpha, float):
            raise TypeError(
                ("`alpha` must be a `float`. For example, interval of 95% "
                 "should be as `alpha = 0.05`.")

        if (alpha <= 0.) or (alpha >= 1):
            raise ValueError(
                f"`alpha` must have a value between 0 and 1. Got {alpha}."


check_predict_input(forecaster_name, steps, fitted, included_exog, index_type, index_freq, window_size, last_window=None, last_window_exog=None, exog=None, exog_type=None, exog_col_names=None, interval=None, alpha=None, max_steps=None, levels=None, series_col_names=None)

Check all inputs of predict method. This is a helper function to validate

that inputs used in predict method match attributes of a forecaster already trained.


Name Type Description Default
forecaster_name str

Forecaster name. ForecasterAutoreg, ForecasterAutoregCustom, ForecasterAutoregDirect, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries, ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom.

steps Union[int, list]

Number of future steps predicted.

fitted bool

Tag to identify if the regressor has been fitted (trained).

included_exog bool

If the forecaster has been trained using exogenous variable/s.

index_type type

Type of index of the input used in training.

index_freq str

Frequency of Index of the input used in training.

window_size int

Size of the window needed to create the predictors. It is equal to max_lag.

last_window Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Values of the series used to create the predictors (lags) need in the first iteration of prediction (t + 1).

last_window_exog Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Values of the exogenous variables aligned with last_window in ForecasterSarimax predictions.

exog Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s.

exog_type Optional[type]

Type of exogenous variable/s used in training.

exog_col_names Optional[list]

Names of columns of exog if exog used in training was a pandas DataFrame.

interval Optional[list]

Confidence of the prediction interval estimated. Sequence of percentiles to compute, which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. For example, interval of 95% should be as interval = [2.5, 97.5].

alpha Optional[float]

The confidence intervals used in ForecasterSarimax are (1 - alpha) %.

max_steps Optional[int]

Maximum number of steps allowed (ForecasterAutoregDirect and ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate).

levels Union[str, list]

Time series to be predicted (ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries and ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom).

series_col_names Optional[list]

Names of the columns used during fit (ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries, ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate and ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom).

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def check_predict_input(
    forecaster_name: str,
    steps: Union[int, list],
    fitted: bool,
    included_exog: bool,
    index_type: type,
    index_freq: str,
    window_size: int,
    last_window: Optional[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]=None,
    last_window_exog: Optional[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]=None,
    exog: Optional[Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]]=None,
    exog_type: Optional[Union[type, None]]=None,
    exog_col_names: Optional[Union[list, None]]=None,
    interval: Optional[list]=None,
    alpha: Optional[float]=None,
    max_steps: Optional[int]=None,
    levels: Optional[Union[str, list]]=None,
    series_col_names: Optional[list]=None
) -> None:
    Check all inputs of predict method. This is a helper function to validate
    that inputs used in predict method match attributes of a forecaster already

    forecaster_name : str
        Forecaster name. ForecasterAutoreg, ForecasterAutoregCustom, 
        ForecasterAutoregDirect, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries, 
        ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate, ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom.

    steps : int, list
        Number of future steps predicted.

    fitted: Bool
        Tag to identify if the regressor has been fitted (trained).

    included_exog : bool
        If the forecaster has been trained using exogenous variable/s.

    index_type : type
        Type of index of the input used in training.

    index_freq : str
        Frequency of Index of the input used in training.

    window_size: int
        Size of the window needed to create the predictors. It is equal to

    last_window : pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, default `None`
        Values of the series used to create the predictors (lags) need in the 
        first iteration of prediction (t + 1).

    last_window_exog : pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, default `None`
        Values of the exogenous variables aligned with `last_window` in 
        ForecasterSarimax predictions.

    exog : pandas Series, pandas DataFrame, default `None`
        Exogenous variable/s included as predictor/s.

    exog_type : type, default `None`
        Type of exogenous variable/s used in training.

    exog_col_names : list, default `None`
        Names of columns of `exog` if `exog` used in training was a pandas

    interval : list, default `None`
        Confidence of the prediction interval estimated. Sequence of percentiles
        to compute, which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. For example, 
        interval of 95% should be as `interval = [2.5, 97.5]`.

    alpha : float, default `None`
        The confidence intervals used in ForecasterSarimax are (1 - alpha) %.

    max_steps: int, default `None`
        Maximum number of steps allowed (`ForecasterAutoregDirect` and 

    levels : str, list, default `None`
        Time series to be predicted (`ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries` and

    series_col_names : list, default `None`
        Names of the columns used during fit (`ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries`, 
        `ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate` and `ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom`).


    if not fitted:
        raise sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError(
            ("This Forecaster instance is not fitted yet. Call `fit` with "
             "appropriate arguments before using predict.")

    if isinstance(steps, (int, np.integer)) and steps < 1:
        raise ValueError(
            f"`steps` must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. Got {steps}."

    if isinstance(steps, list) and min(steps) < 1:
        raise ValueError(
           (f"The minimum value of `steps` must be equal to or greater than 1. "
            f"Got {min(steps)}.")

    if max_steps is not None:
        if max(steps) > max_steps:
            raise ValueError(
                (f"The maximum value of `steps` must be less than or equal to "
                 f"the value of steps defined when initializing the forecaster. "
                 f"Got {max(steps)}, but the maximum is {max_steps}.")

    if interval is not None or alpha is not None:
        check_interval(interval=interval, alpha=alpha)

    if forecaster_name in ['ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries', 'ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom']:
        if levels is not None and not isinstance(levels, (str, list)):
            raise TypeError(
                "`levels` must be a `list` of column names, a `str` of a column name or `None`."
        if len(set(levels) - set(series_col_names)) != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                f"`levels` must be in `series_col_names` : {series_col_names}."

    if exog is None and included_exog:
        raise ValueError(
            ("Forecaster trained with exogenous variable/s. "
             "Same variable/s must be provided when predicting.")

    if exog is not None and not included_exog:
        raise ValueError(
            ("Forecaster trained without exogenous variable/s. "
             "`exog` must be `None` when predicting.")

    # Checks last_window
    # Check last_window type (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame according to forecaster)
    if forecaster_name in ['ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries', 'ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate',
        if not isinstance(last_window, pd.DataFrame):
            raise TypeError(
                f"`last_window` must be a pandas DataFrame. Got {type(last_window)}."

        if forecaster_name in ['ForecasterAutoregMultiSeries', 'ForecasterAutoregMultiSeriesCustom'] and \
            len(set(levels) - set(last_window.columns)) != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                (f"`last_window` must contain a column(s) named as the level(s) to be predicted.\n"
                 f"    `levels` : {levels}.\n"
                 f"    `last_window` columns : {list(last_window.columns)}.")

        if forecaster_name == 'ForecasterAutoregMultiVariate' and \
            (series_col_names != list(last_window.columns)):
            raise ValueError(
                (f"`last_window` columns must be the same as `series` column names.\n"
                 f"    `last_window` columns : {list(last_window.columns)}.\n"
                 f"    `series` columns      : {series_col_names}.")
        if not isinstance(last_window, pd.Series):
            raise TypeError(
                f"`last_window` must be a pandas Series. Got {type(last_window)}."

    # Check last_window len, nulls and index (type and freq)
    if len(last_window) < window_size:
        raise ValueError(
            (f"`last_window` must have as many values as needed to "
             f"generate the predictors. For this forecaster it is {window_size}.")
    if last_window.isnull().any().all():
        raise ValueError(
            ("`last_window` has missing values.")
    _, last_window_index = preprocess_last_window(
                               last_window  = last_window.iloc[:0],
                               return_values = False
    if not isinstance(last_window_index, index_type):
        raise TypeError(
            (f"Expected index of type {index_type} for `last_window`. "
             f"Got {type(last_window_index)}.")
    if isinstance(last_window_index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
        if not last_window_index.freqstr == index_freq:
            raise TypeError(
                (f"Expected frequency of type {index_freq} for `last_window`. "
                 f"Got {last_window_index.freqstr}.")

    # Checks exog
    if exog is not None:
        # Check type, nulls and expected type
        if not isinstance(exog, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
            raise TypeError("`exog` must be a pandas Series or DataFrame.")
        if exog.isnull().any().any():
                ("`exog` has missing values. Most of machine learning models do "
                 "not allow missing values. `predict` method may fail."), 
        if not isinstance(exog, exog_type):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected type for `exog`: {exog_type}. Got {type(exog)}."    

        # Check exog has many values as distance to max step predicted
        last_step = max(steps) if isinstance(steps, list) else steps
        if len(exog) < last_step:
            raise ValueError(
                (f"`exog` must have at least as many values as the distance to "
                 f"the maximum step predicted, {last_step}.")

        # Check all columns are in the pandas DataFrame
        if isinstance(exog, pd.DataFrame):
            col_missing = set(exog_col_names).difference(set(exog.columns))
            if col_missing:
                raise ValueError(
                    (f"Missing columns in `exog`. Expected {exog_col_names}. "
                     f"Got {exog.columns.to_list()}.") 

        # Check index dtype and freq
        _, exog_index = preprocess_exog(
                            exog          = exog.iloc[:0, ],
                            return_values = False
        if not isinstance(exog_index, index_type):
            raise TypeError(
                (f"Expected index of type {index_type} for `exog`. "
                 f"Got {type(exog_index)}.")
        if isinstance(exog_index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
            if not exog_index.freqstr == index_freq:
                raise TypeError(
                    (f"Expected frequency of type {index_freq} for `exog`. "
                     f"Got {exog_index.freqstr}.")

        # Check exog starts one step ahead of last_window end.
        expected_index = expand_index(last_window.index, 1)[0]
        if expected_index != exog.index[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                (f"To make predictions `exog` must start one step ahead of `last_window`.\n"
                 f"    `last_window` ends at : {last_window.index[-1]}.\n"
                 f"    `exog` starts at      : {exog.index[0]}.\n"
                 f"     Expected index       : {expected_index}.")

    # Checks ForecasterSarimax
    if forecaster_name == 'ForecasterSarimax':
        # Check last_window_exog type, len, nulls and index (type and freq)
        if last_window_exog is not None:
            if not included_exog:
                raise ValueError(
                    ("Forecaster trained without exogenous variable/s. "
                     "`last_window_exog` must be `None` when predicting.")

            if not isinstance(last_window_exog, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
                raise TypeError(
                    (f"`last_window_exog` must be a pandas Series or a "
                     f"pandas DataFrame. Got {type(last_window_exog)}.")
            if len(last_window_exog) < window_size:
                raise ValueError(
                    (f"`last_window_exog` must have as many values as needed to "
                     f"generate the predictors. For this forecaster it is {window_size}.")
            if last_window_exog.isnull().any().all():
                ("`last_window_exog` has missing values. Most of machine learning "
                 "models do not allow missing values. `predict` method may fail."),
            _, last_window_exog_index = preprocess_last_window(
                                            last_window   = last_window_exog.iloc[:0],
                                            return_values = False
            if not isinstance(last_window_exog_index, index_type):
                raise TypeError(
                    (f"Expected index of type {index_type} for `last_window_exog`. "
                     f"Got {type(last_window_exog_index)}.")
            if isinstance(last_window_exog_index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
                if not last_window_exog_index.freqstr == index_freq:
                    raise TypeError(
                        (f"Expected frequency of type {index_freq} for "
                         f"`last_window_exog`. Got {last_window_exog_index.freqstr}.")

            # Check all columns are in the pd.DataFrame, last_window_exog
            if isinstance(last_window_exog, pd.DataFrame):
                col_missing = set(exog_col_names).difference(set(last_window_exog.columns))
                if col_missing:
                    raise ValueError(
                        (f"Missing columns in `exog`. Expected {exog_col_names}. "
                         f"Got {last_window_exog.columns.to_list()}.") 


preprocess_y(y, return_values=True)

Returns values and index of series separately. Index is overwritten

according to the next rules: If index is of type DatetimeIndex and has frequency, nothing is changed. If index is of type RangeIndex, nothing is changed. If index is of type DatetimeIndex but has no frequency, a RangeIndex is created. If index is not of type DatetimeIndex, a RangeIndex is created.


Name Type Description Default
y Series

Time series.

return_values bool

If True return the values of y as numpy ndarray. This option is intended to avoid copying data when it is not necessary.



Type Description
Tuple[Optional[numpy.ndarray], pandas.core.indexes.base.Index]

Numpy array with values of y.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def preprocess_y(
    y: pd.Series,
    return_values: bool=True
) -> Tuple[Union[None, np.ndarray], pd.Index]:
    Returns values and index of series separately. Index is overwritten 
    according to the next rules:
        If index is of type DatetimeIndex and has frequency, nothing is 
        If index is of type RangeIndex, nothing is changed.
        If index is of type DatetimeIndex but has no frequency, a 
        RangeIndex is created.
        If index is not of type DatetimeIndex, a RangeIndex is created.

    y : pandas Series
        Time series.

    return_values : bool, default `True`
        If `True` return the values of `y` as numpy ndarray. This option is 
        intended to avoid copying data when it is not necessary.

    y_values : None, numpy ndarray
        Numpy array with values of `y`.

    y_index : pandas Index
        Index of `y` modified according to the rules.


    if isinstance(y.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) and y.index.freq is not None:
        y_index = y.index
    elif isinstance(y.index, pd.RangeIndex):
        y_index = y.index
    elif isinstance(y.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) and y.index.freq is None:
            ("`y` has DatetimeIndex index but no frequency. "
             "Index is overwritten with a RangeIndex of step 1.")
        y_index = pd.RangeIndex(
                      start = 0,
                      stop  = len(y),
                      step  = 1
            ("`y` has no DatetimeIndex nor RangeIndex index. "
             "Index is overwritten with a RangeIndex.")
        y_index = pd.RangeIndex(
                      start = 0,
                      stop  = len(y),
                      step  = 1

    y_values = y.to_numpy() if return_values else None

    return y_values, y_index

preprocess_last_window(last_window, return_values=True)

Returns values and index of series separately. Index is overwritten

according to the next rules: If index is of type DatetimeIndex and has frequency, nothing is changed. If index is of type RangeIndex, nothing is changed. If index is of type DatetimeIndex but has no frequency, a RangeIndex is created. If index is not of type DatetimeIndex, a RangeIndex is created.


Name Type Description Default
last_window Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Time series values.

return_values bool

If True return the values of last_window as numpy ndarray. This option is intended to avoid copying data when it is not necessary.



Type Description
Tuple[numpy.ndarray, pandas.core.indexes.base.Index]

Numpy array with values of last_window.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def preprocess_last_window(
    last_window: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
    return_values: bool=True
 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, pd.Index]:
    Returns values and index of series separately. Index is overwritten 
    according to the next rules:
        If index is of type DatetimeIndex and has frequency, nothing is 
        If index is of type RangeIndex, nothing is changed.
        If index is of type DatetimeIndex but has no frequency, a 
        RangeIndex is created.
        If index is not of type DatetimeIndex, a RangeIndex is created.

    last_window : pandas Series, pandas DataFrame
        Time series values.

    return_values : bool, default `True`
        If `True` return the values of `last_window` as numpy ndarray. This option 
        is intended to avoid copying data when it is not necessary.

    last_window_values : numpy ndarray
        Numpy array with values of `last_window`.

    last_window_index : pandas Index
        Index of `last_window` modified according to the rules.


    if isinstance(last_window.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) and last_window.index.freq is not None:
        last_window_index = last_window.index
    elif isinstance(last_window.index, pd.RangeIndex):
        last_window_index = last_window.index
    elif isinstance(last_window.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) and last_window.index.freq is None:
            ("`last_window` has DatetimeIndex index but no frequency. "
             "Index is overwritten with a RangeIndex of step 1.")
        last_window_index = pd.RangeIndex(
                                start = 0,
                                stop  = len(last_window),
                                step  = 1
            ("`last_window` has no DatetimeIndex nor RangeIndex index. "
             "Index is overwritten with a RangeIndex.")
        last_window_index = pd.RangeIndex(
                                start = 0,
                                stop  = len(last_window),
                                step  = 1

    last_window_values = last_window.to_numpy() if return_values else None

    return last_window_values, last_window_index

preprocess_exog(exog, return_values=True)

Returns values and index of series or data frame separately. Index is

overwritten according to the next rules: If index is of type DatetimeIndex and has frequency, nothing is changed. If index is of type RangeIndex, nothing is changed. If index is of type DatetimeIndex but has no frequency, a RangeIndex is created. If index is not of type DatetimeIndex, a RangeIndex is created.


Name Type Description Default
exog Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Exogenous variables.

return_values bool

If True return the values of exog as numpy ndarray. This option is intended to avoid copying data when it is not necessary.



Type Description
Tuple[Optional[numpy.ndarray], pandas.core.indexes.base.Index]

Numpy array with values of exog.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def preprocess_exog(
    exog: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
    return_values: bool=True
) -> Tuple[Union[None, np.ndarray], pd.Index]:
    Returns values and index of series or data frame separately. Index is
    overwritten  according to the next rules:
        If index is of type DatetimeIndex and has frequency, nothing is 
        If index is of type RangeIndex, nothing is changed.
        If index is of type DatetimeIndex but has no frequency, a 
        RangeIndex is created.
        If index is not of type DatetimeIndex, a RangeIndex is created.

    exog : pandas Series, pandas DataFrame
        Exogenous variables.

    return_values : bool, default `True`
        If `True` return the values of `exog` as numpy ndarray. This option is 
        intended to avoid copying data when it is not necessary.

    exog_values : None, numpy ndarray
        Numpy array with values of `exog`.

    exog_index : pandas Index
        Index of `exog` modified according to the rules.


    if isinstance(exog.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) and exog.index.freq is not None:
        exog_index = exog.index
    elif isinstance(exog.index, pd.RangeIndex):
        exog_index = exog.index
    elif isinstance(exog.index, pd.DatetimeIndex) and exog.index.freq is None:
            ("`exog` has DatetimeIndex index but no frequency. "
             "Index is overwritten with a RangeIndex of step 1.")
        exog_index = pd.RangeIndex(
                         start = 0,
                         stop  = len(exog),
                         step  = 1

            ("`exog` has no DatetimeIndex nor RangeIndex index. "
             "Index is overwritten with a RangeIndex.")
        exog_index = pd.RangeIndex(
                         start = 0,
                         stop  = len(exog),
                         step  = 1

    exog_values = exog.to_numpy() if return_values else None

    return exog_values, exog_index

cast_exog_dtypes(exog, exog_dtypes)

Cast exog to a specified types.

If exog is a pandas Series, exog_dtypes must be a dict with a single value. If exog_dtypes is category but the current type of exog is float, then the type is cast to int and then to category. This is done because, for a forecaster to accept a categorical exog, it must contain only integer values. Due to the internal modifications of numpy, the values may be casted to float, so they have to be re-converted to int.


Name Type Description Default
exog Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Exogenous variables.

exog_dtypes dict

Dictionary with name and type of the series or data frame columns.



Type Description
Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]
Source code in skforecast/utils/
def cast_exog_dtypes(
    exog: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
    exog_dtypes: dict,
) -> Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]: # pragma: no cover
    Cast `exog` to a specified types.
    If `exog` is a pandas Series, `exog_dtypes` must be a dict with a single value.
    If `exog_dtypes` is `category` but the current type of `exog` is `float`, then
    the type is cast to `int` and then to `category`. This is done because, for
    a forecaster to accept a categorical exog, it must contain only integer values.
    Due to the internal modifications of numpy, the values may be casted to `float`,
    so they have to be re-converted to `int`.

    exog : pandas Series, pandas DataFrame
        Exogenous variables.

    exog_dtypes: dict
        Dictionary with name and type of the series or data frame columns.



    # Remove keys from exog_dtypes not in exog.columns
    exog_dtypes = {k:v for k, v in exog_dtypes.items() if k in exog.columns}

    if isinstance(exog, pd.Series) and exog.dtypes != list(exog_dtypes.values())[0]:
        exog = exog.astype(list(exog_dtypes.values())[0])
    elif isinstance(exog, pd.DataFrame):
        for col, initial_dtype in exog_dtypes.items():
            if exog[col].dtypes != initial_dtype:
                if initial_dtype == "category" and exog[col].dtypes==float:
                    exog[col] = exog[col].astype(int).astype("category")
                    exog[col] = exog[col].astype(initial_dtype)

    return exog

exog_to_direct(exog, steps)

Transforms exog to a pandas DataFrame with the shape needed for Direct



Name Type Description Default
exog Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Exogenous variables.

steps int

Number of steps that will be predicted using exog.



Type Description

Exogenous variables transformed.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def exog_to_direct(
    exog: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
    steps: int
)-> pd.DataFrame:
    Transforms `exog` to a pandas DataFrame with the shape needed for Direct

    exog : pandas Series, pandas DataFrame
        Exogenous variables.

    steps : int.
        Number of steps that will be predicted using exog.

    exog_transformed : pandas DataFrame
        Exogenous variables transformed.


    if not isinstance(exog, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
        raise TypeError(f"`exog` must be a pandas Series or DataFrame. Got {type(exog)}.")

    if isinstance(exog, pd.Series):
        exog = exog.to_frame()

    len_columns = len(exog)
    exog_idx = exog.index
    exog_transformed = []
    for column in exog.columns:

        exog_column_transformed = [
            (exog[column].iloc[i : len_columns - (steps - 1 - i)]).reset_index(drop=True)
            for i in range(steps)
        exog_column_transformed = pd.concat(exog_column_transformed, axis=1)
        exog_column_transformed.columns = [f"{column}_step_{i+1}" for i in range(steps)]


    if len(exog_transformed) > 1:
        exog_transformed = pd.concat(exog_transformed, axis=1)
        exog_transformed = exog_column_transformed

    exog_transformed.index = exog_idx[-len(exog_transformed):]

    return exog_transformed

exog_to_direct_numpy(exog, steps)

Transforms exog to np.ndarray with the shape needed for direct



Name Type Description Default
exog ndarray

Exogenous variables.

steps int

Number of steps that will be predicted using exog.



Type Description

Exogenous variables transformed.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def exog_to_direct_numpy(
    exog: np.ndarray,
    steps: int
)-> np.ndarray:
    Transforms `exog` to `np.ndarray` with the shape needed for direct

    exog : numpy ndarray, shape(samples,)
        Exogenous variables.

    steps : int.
        Number of steps that will be predicted using exog.

    exog_transformed : numpy ndarray
        Exogenous variables transformed.


    exog_transformed = []

    if exog.ndim == 1:
        exog = np.expand_dims(exog, axis=1)

    for i in range(exog.shape[1]):
        exog_column = exog[:, i]
        exog_column_transformed = np.vstack(
            [np.roll(exog_column, j) for j in range(steps)]
        ).T[steps - 1:]
        exog_column_transformed = exog_column_transformed[:, ::-1]

    if len(exog_transformed) > 1:
        exog_transformed = np.concatenate(exog_transformed, axis=1)
        exog_transformed = exog_column_transformed

    return exog_transformed

expand_index(index, steps)

Create a new index of length steps starting at the end of the index.


Name Type Description Default
index Optional[pandas.core.indexes.base.Index]

Index of last window.

steps int

Number of steps to expand.



Type Description

New index.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def expand_index(
    index: Union[pd.Index, None], 
    steps: int
) -> pd.Index:
    Create a new index of length `steps` starting at the end of the index.

    index : pd.Index, None
        Index of last window.

    steps : int
        Number of steps to expand.

    new_index : pd.Index
        New index.


    if isinstance(index, pd.Index):

        if isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
            new_index = pd.date_range(
                            index[-1] + index.freq,
                            periods = steps,
                            freq    = index.freq
        elif isinstance(index, pd.RangeIndex):
            new_index = pd.RangeIndex(
                            start = index[-1] + 1,
                            stop  = index[-1] + 1 + steps
        new_index = pd.RangeIndex(
                        start = 0,
                        stop  = steps

    return new_index

transform_series(series, transformer, fit=False, inverse_transform=False)

Transform raw values of pandas Series with a scikit-learn alike transformer

(preprocessor). The transformer used must have the following methods: fit, transform, fit_transform and inverse_transform. ColumnTransformers are not allowed since they do not have inverse_transform method.


Name Type Description Default
series Series

Series to be transformed.

transformer scikit-learn alike transformer (preprocessor).

scikit-learn alike transformer (preprocessor) with methods: fit, transform, fit_transform and inverse_transform. ColumnTransformers are not allowed since they do not have inverse_transform method.

fit bool

Train the transformer before applying it.

inverse_transform bool

Transform back the data to the original representation.



Type Description
Union[pandas.core.series.Series, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]

Transformed Series. Depending on the transformer used, the output may be a Series or a DataFrame.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def transform_series(
    series: pd.Series,
    fit: bool=False,
    inverse_transform: bool=False
) -> Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]:
    Transform raw values of pandas Series with a scikit-learn alike transformer
    (preprocessor). The transformer used must have the following methods: fit, transform,
    fit_transform and inverse_transform. ColumnTransformers are not allowed since they
    do not have inverse_transform method.

    series : pandas Series
        Series to be transformed.

    transformer : scikit-learn alike transformer (preprocessor).
        scikit-learn alike transformer (preprocessor) with methods: fit, transform,
        fit_transform and inverse_transform. ColumnTransformers are not allowed 
        since they do not have inverse_transform method.

    fit : bool, default `False`
        Train the transformer before applying it.

    inverse_transform : bool, default `False`
        Transform back the data to the original representation.

    series_transformed : pandas Series, pandas DataFrame
        Transformed Series. Depending on the transformer used, the output may 
        be a Series or a DataFrame.


    if not isinstance(series, pd.Series):
        raise TypeError(
            (f"`series` argument must be a pandas Series. Got {type(series)}.")

    if transformer is None:
        return series

    if is None: = 'no_name'

    data = series.to_frame()

    if fit and hasattr(transformer, 'fit'):

    # If argument feature_names_in_ exits, is overwritten to allow using the 
    # transformer on other series than those that were passed during fit.
    if hasattr(transformer, 'feature_names_in_') and transformer.feature_names_in_[0] != data.columns[0]:
        transformer = deepcopy(transformer)
        transformer.feature_names_in_ = np.array([data.columns[0]], dtype=object)

    if inverse_transform:
        values_transformed = transformer.inverse_transform(data)
        values_transformed = transformer.transform(data)   

    if hasattr(values_transformed, 'toarray'):
        # If the returned values are in sparse matrix format, it is converted to dense array.
        values_transformed = values_transformed.toarray()

    if isinstance(values_transformed, np.ndarray) and values_transformed.shape[1] == 1:
        series_transformed = pd.Series(
                                 data  = values_transformed.flatten(),
                                 index = data.index,
                                 name  = data.columns[0]
    elif isinstance(values_transformed, pd.DataFrame) and values_transformed.shape[1] == 1:
        series_transformed = values_transformed.squeeze()
        series_transformed = pd.DataFrame(
                                 data    = values_transformed,
                                 index   = data.index,
                                 columns = transformer.get_feature_names_out()

    return series_transformed

transform_dataframe(df, transformer, fit=False, inverse_transform=False)

Transform raw values of pandas DataFrame with a scikit-learn alike

transformer, preprocessor or ColumnTransformer. inverse_transform is not available when using ColumnTransformers.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

Pandas DataFrame to be transformed.

transformer scikit-learn alike transformer, preprocessor or ColumnTransformer.

scikit-learn alike transformer, preprocessor or ColumnTransformer.

fit bool

Train the transformer before applying it.

inverse_transform bool

Transform back the data to the original representation. This is not available when using transformers of class scikit-learn ColumnTransformers.



Type Description

Transformed DataFrame.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def transform_dataframe(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    fit: bool=False,
    inverse_transform: bool=False
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Transform raw values of pandas DataFrame with a scikit-learn alike
    transformer, preprocessor or ColumnTransformer. `inverse_transform` is not 
    available when using ColumnTransformers.

    df : pandas DataFrame
        Pandas DataFrame to be transformed.

    transformer : scikit-learn alike transformer, preprocessor or ColumnTransformer.
        scikit-learn alike transformer, preprocessor or ColumnTransformer.

    fit : bool, default `False`
        Train the transformer before applying it.

    inverse_transform : bool, default `False`
        Transform back the data to the original representation. This is not available
        when using transformers of class scikit-learn ColumnTransformers.

    df_transformed : pandas DataFrame
        Transformed DataFrame.


    if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
        raise TypeError(
            f"`df` argument must be a pandas DataFrame. Got {type(df)}"

    if transformer is None:
        return df

    if inverse_transform and isinstance(transformer, ColumnTransformer):
        raise Exception(
            "`inverse_transform` is not available when using ColumnTransformers."

    if not inverse_transform:
        if fit:
            values_transformed = transformer.fit_transform(df)
            values_transformed = transformer.transform(df)
        values_transformed = transformer.inverse_transform(df)

    if hasattr(values_transformed, 'toarray'):
        # If the returned values are in sparse matrix format, it is converted to dense
        values_transformed = values_transformed.toarray()

    if hasattr(transformer, 'get_feature_names_out'):
        feature_names_out = transformer.get_feature_names_out()
    elif hasattr(transformer, 'categories_'):   
        feature_names_out = transformer.categories_
        feature_names_out = df.columns

    df_transformed = pd.DataFrame(
                         data    = values_transformed,
                         index   = df.index,
                         columns = feature_names_out

    return df_transformed


Check if an optional dependency is installed, if not raise an ImportError

with installation instructions.


Name Type Description Default
package_name str

Name of the package to check.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def check_optional_dependency(
    package_name: str
) -> None:
    Check if an optional dependency is installed, if not raise an ImportError  
    with installation instructions.

    package_name : str
        Name of the package to check.


    if importlib.util.find_spec(package_name) is None:
            extra, package_version = _find_optional_dependency(package_name=package_name)
            msg = (
                f"\n'{package_name}' is an optional dependency not included in the default "
                f"skforecast installation. Please run: `pip install \"{package_version}\"` to install it."
                f"\n\nAlternately, you can install it by running `pip install skforecast[{extra}]`"
            msg = f"\n'{package_name}' is needed but not installed. Please install it."

        raise ImportError(msg)

multivariate_time_series_corr(time_series, other, lags, method='pearson')

Compute correlation between a time_series and the lagged values of other

time series.


Name Type Description Default
time_series Series

Target time series.

other DataFrame

Time series whose lagged values are correlated to time_series.

lags Union[int, list, <built-in function array>]

Lags to be included in the correlation analysis.

method str
  • pearson : standard correlation coefficient.
  • kendall : Kendall Tau correlation coefficient.
  • spearman : Spearman rank correlation.


Type Description

Correlation values.

Source code in skforecast/utils/
def multivariate_time_series_corr(
    time_series: pd.Series,
    other: pd.DataFrame,
    lags: Union[int, list, np.array],
    method: str='pearson'
)-> pd.DataFrame:
    Compute correlation between a time_series and the lagged values of other 
    time series. 

    time_series : pandas Series
        Target time series.

    other : pandas DataFrame
        Time series whose lagged values are correlated to `time_series`.

    lags : Union[int, list, numpy ndarray]
        Lags to be included in the correlation analysis.

    method : str, default 'pearson'
        - pearson : standard correlation coefficient.
        - kendall : Kendall Tau correlation coefficient.
        - spearman : Spearman rank correlation.

    corr : pandas DataFrame
        Correlation values.


    if not len(time_series) == len(other):
        raise ValueError("`time_series` and `other` must have the same length.")

    if not (time_series.index == other.index).all():
        raise ValueError("`time_series` and `other` must have the same index.")

    if isinstance(lags, int):
        lags = range(lags)

    corr = {}
    for col in other.columns:
        lag_values = {}
        for lag in lags:
            lag_values[lag] = other[col].shift(lag)

        lag_values = pd.DataFrame(lag_values)
        lag_values.insert(0, None, time_series)
        corr[col] = lag_values.corr(method=method).iloc[1:, 0]

    corr = pd.DataFrame(corr)
    corr.index = corr.index.astype('int64') = "lag"

    return corr