Since the value of t(n) is required to predict the point t(n-1), and t(n-1) is unknown, it is necessary to make recursive predictions in which, each new prediction, is based on the previous one. This process is known as recursive forecasting or recursive multi-step forecasting.
The main challenge when using scikit-learn models for recursive multi-step forecasting is transforming the time series in an matrix where, each value of the series, is related to the time window (lags) that precedes it. This forecasting strategy can be easily generated with the classes ForecasterAutoreg and ForecasterAutoregCustom.
# Create and fit forecaster# ==============================================================================forecaster=ForecasterAutoreg(regressor=RandomForestRegressor(),lags=15)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516
Regressor: RandomForestRegressor()
Lags: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]
Window size: 15
Included exogenous: False
Type of exogenous variable: None
Exogenous variables names: None
Training range: [Timestamp('1991-07-01 00:00:00'), Timestamp('2005-06-01 00:00:00')]
Training index type: DatetimeIndex
Training index frequency: MS
Regressor parameters: {'bootstrap': True, 'ccp_alpha': 0.0, 'criterion': 'squared_error', 'max_depth': None, 'max_features': 'auto', 'max_leaf_nodes': None, 'max_samples': None, 'min_impurity_decrease': 0.0, 'min_samples_leaf': 1, 'min_samples_split': 2, 'min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0, 'n_estimators': 100, 'n_jobs': None, 'oob_score': False, 'random_state': None, 'verbose': 0, 'warm_start': False}
Creation date: 2021-12-06 23:22:17
Last fit date: 2021-12-06 23:22:17
Skforecast version: 0.4.0