Plot forecasting residuals¶
Analyzing the residuals (errors) of predictions is useful to understand the behavior of a forecaster. The function skforecast.plot.plot_residuals
creates 3 plots:
Residual values in time order
Distribution of residuals
Residuals autocorrelation
In [1]:
# Libraries
# ==============================================================================
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from skforecast.ForecasterAutoreg import ForecasterAutoreg
from skforecast.model_selection import backtesting_forecaster
from skforecast.plot import plot_residuals
# Libraries
# ==============================================================================
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge
from skforecast.ForecasterAutoreg import ForecasterAutoreg
from skforecast.model_selection import backtesting_forecaster
from skforecast.plot import plot_residuals
In [2]:
# Download data
# ==============================================================================
url = ('')
data = pd.read_csv(url, sep=',')
# Data preprocessing
# ==============================================================================
data['fecha'] = pd.to_datetime(data['fecha'], format='%Y/%m/%d')
data = data.set_index('fecha')
data = data.rename(columns={'x': 'y'})
data = data.asfreq('MS')
data = data.sort_index()
# Plot data
# ==============================================================================
fig, ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 4))
# Download data
# ==============================================================================
url = ('')
data = pd.read_csv(url, sep=',')
# Data preprocessing
# ==============================================================================
data['fecha'] = pd.to_datetime(data['fecha'], format='%Y/%m/%d')
data = data.set_index('fecha')
data = data.rename(columns={'x': 'y'})
data = data.asfreq('MS')
data = data.sort_index()
# Plot data
# ==============================================================================
fig, ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 4))
In [3]:
# Train and backtest forecaster
# ==============================================================================
n_backtest = 36*3
data_train = data[:-n_backtest]
data_test = data[-n_backtest:]
forecaster = ForecasterAutoreg(
regressor = Ridge(),
lags = 5
metric, predictions_backtest = backtesting_forecaster(
forecaster = forecaster,
y = data.y,
initial_train_size = len(data_train),
steps = 36,
metric = 'mean_squared_error',
verbose = True
# Train and backtest forecaster
# ==============================================================================
n_backtest = 36*3
data_train = data[:-n_backtest]
data_test = data[-n_backtest:]
forecaster = ForecasterAutoreg(
regressor = Ridge(),
lags = 5
metric, predictions_backtest = backtesting_forecaster(
forecaster = forecaster,
y = data.y,
initial_train_size = len(data_train),
steps = 36,
metric = 'mean_squared_error',
verbose = True
Information of backtesting process ---------------------------------- Number of observations used for initial training: 87 Number of observations used for backtesting: 108 Number of folds: 3 Number of steps per fold: 36 Data partition in fold: 0 Training: 1992-04-01 00:00:00 -- 1999-06-01 00:00:00 (n=87) Validation: 1999-07-01 00:00:00 -- 2002-06-01 00:00:00 (n=36) Data partition in fold: 1 Training: 1992-04-01 00:00:00 -- 1999-06-01 00:00:00 (n=87) Validation: 2002-07-01 00:00:00 -- 2005-06-01 00:00:00 (n=36) Data partition in fold: 2 Training: 1992-04-01 00:00:00 -- 1999-06-01 00:00:00 (n=87) Validation: 2005-07-01 00:00:00 -- 2008-06-01 00:00:00 (n=36)
pred | |
1999-07-01 | 0.684784 |
1999-08-01 | 0.673355 |
1999-09-01 | 0.672449 |
1999-10-01 | 0.660822 |
1999-11-01 | 0.651780 |
... | ... |
2008-02-01 | 0.655673 |
2008-03-01 | 0.655675 |
2008-04-01 | 0.655675 |
2008-05-01 | 0.655674 |
2008-06-01 | 0.655673 |
108 rows × 1 columns
The function predictions_backtest
may be used with already calculated residuals or giving the predicted values and the real values of the series.
In [4]:
residuals = predictions_backtest['pred'] - data_test['y']
residuals = predictions_backtest['pred'] - data_test['y']
In [5]:
plot_residuals(y_true=data_test['y'], y_pred=predictions_backtest['pred'])
plot_residuals(y_true=data_test['y'], y_pred=predictions_backtest['pred'])
Customize plot¶
It is possible to customize the plot by passing an already created matplotlib figure or using additional keyword arguments that are passed to matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
In [6]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 6))
plot_residuals(residuals=residuals, fig=fig)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 6))
plot_residuals(residuals=residuals, fig=fig)
In [7]:
plot_residuals(residuals=residuals, edgecolor="black", linewidth=15, figsize=(12, 6))
plot_residuals(residuals=residuals, edgecolor="black", linewidth=15, figsize=(12, 6))
It is also possible to customise the internal aesthetics of the plots by changing plt.rcParams
In [8]:
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.5
dark_style = {
'figure.facecolor' : '#212946',
'axes.facecolor' : '#212946',
'savefig.facecolor' :'#212946',
'axes.grid' : True,
'axes.grid.which' : 'both',
'axes.spines.left' : False,
'axes.spines.right' : False,
'' : False,
'axes.spines.bottom': False,
'grid.color' : '#2A3459',
'grid.linewidth' : '1',
'text.color' : '0.9',
'axes.labelcolor' : '0.9',
'xtick.color' : '0.9',
'ytick.color' : '0.9',
'font.size' : 12
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 8))
plot_residuals(residuals=residuals, fig=fig)'fivethirtyeight')
plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 1.5
dark_style = {
'figure.facecolor' : '#212946',
'axes.facecolor' : '#212946',
'savefig.facecolor' :'#212946',
'axes.grid' : True,
'axes.grid.which' : 'both',
'axes.spines.left' : False,
'axes.spines.right' : False,
'' : False,
'axes.spines.bottom': False,
'grid.color' : '#2A3459',
'grid.linewidth' : '1',
'text.color' : '0.9',
'axes.labelcolor' : '0.9',
'xtick.color' : '0.9',
'ytick.color' : '0.9',
'font.size' : 12
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(14, 8))
plot_residuals(residuals=residuals, fig=fig)
In [9]:
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